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Glass and Mirror Industry News

Indonesia Glass Technology (IndoGlassTech Expo 2023)

Indonesia Glass Technology (IndoGlassTech Expo 2023) is an exhibition dedicated to glass manufacturing, processing, products and materials sectors.

Indonesia Glass Technology (IndoGlassTech Expo 2023) covers topics such as:

  • Art Glass
  • Architectural and Decorative Glass
  • Electronic Glass
  • Automotive Glass
  • Glass Abrasives
  • Auxiliary and Operating Materials
  • Glass Production
  • Glass Cutting Tools
  • Coating Technology
  • Ancillary Equipment for Furnaces
  • Polishing Equipment
  • Mirror Production
  • Etc
  • Sealing & recycling Equipment

Indonesia Glass Technology (IndoGlassTech Expo 2023) brings together:

  • Architects
  • Agents of Hollow Glassware
  • Automotive Component Distributors
  • Automobile Manufactures
  • Contractors
  • Construction Engineers
  • Directors of Energy Planning
  • Crafters
  • Facade Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Glass Manufactures
  • Facades Supply Industry
  • Interior Designers
  • Glaziers
  • Manufacture, Production and Quality Controllers
  • Machine Construction Machinery and Parts
  • Project Managers
  • Plant Construction
  • Sales, Dealers, and Distributors
  • Process Engineers
  • Window Supply Industry
  • Traders

Crystalclear Glass

PRE:Period NEXT:China Guangzhou Glasstec Expo

Contact Us

Contact: Glass and Mirror Wholesaler-Glass and Mirror Exporter

Phone: +86 132 5683 5675

Tel: +86-132 5683 5675

E-mail: kevin@crystalclear-glass.com

Add: Add: 23 Floor , Huarun Mansion B, No. 6 Shandong Road, Qingdao, China